Oratory Primary School
Bury Walk,
Cale Street,
London SW3 6QH
Tel: 020 7589 5900
We Work Together,
We Play Together,
We Laugh Together,
We Pray Together
Behaviour for learning is very important to encouraging positivity within the classroom. As well as kindness and responsibility, it promotes children seeing themselves as learners, and being in charge of their own success.
We have cross class consistency in our Behaviour for Learning tools at Oratory Primary so that they can really become embedded in the children’s experience as they move through the school and become part of the children’s lexicon.
Behaviour chart: The children’s names will always begin the day on the ‘fresh start’ location and may need to move down as a result of continued unwanted behaviour. The aim is that a child whose name has been moved down is ‘caught being good’ as much as possible so their name can return to a positive location quickly.
House points: Adults will tally points on laminated shields throughout the week for good behaviour/learning of individuals. They give points verbally or on written work (1HP) Members of the house with the most class points can have a lucky dip reward at the end of the week. Year 6 house point monitors will add the weekly tallies to the whole school house point system.
Pompom jar: A whole class reward system. When the jar is full, the class can have golden time. Golden time is a session of ‘free time’ where children can play games together in class.
Next steps for learning: Children are taught about the story of ‘Austin’s Butterfly’ in the first week of the school year. This acts as a reminder of how to follow next steps and act on feedback to improve.
Our school rules: At the start of the academic year, the class will make a group promise of what each rule ‘looks’ like in their classroom.
Questioning: Children should be encouraged to answer a variety of questions to promote higher order thinking, but also to formulate questions of their own.
Monitor roles: All classes should change monitors weekly so that each child gets a chance to be a monitor every few weeks. Monitor roles are the same in every class to develop consistency form year to year.
4Bs B4 me: This is a resource to promote independent leaning. Children are encouraged to consult four other support methods before asking the teacher: book, buddy, board and brain. The ‘boss’ should always be the last resort!
Growth mindset & learning pit: children are reminded that everyone can choose their mindset. Sometimes they will find things a challenge and may find themselves in the ‘learning pit’. With a growth mindset and the ‘four bs’, they can help themselves out, and on the path to even greater skills and progress.