Oratory Primary School
Bury Walk,
Cale Street,
London SW3 6QH
Tel: 020 7589 5900
We Work Together,
We Play Together,
We Laugh Together,
We Pray Together
We share the diocesan vision that all pupils in our schools will be able to encounter Christ and develop a personal relationship with him through their faith and action. It is our hope that all pupils will walk with each other and the adults in their community – parents, staff and clergy – as companions on the journey of faith, each playing their part in developing the Catholic Life of the school thus building up the Kingdom of God. For some pupils this may include becoming Chaplaincy Team Members (CTM) where they will be guided by school leaders in partnership with their parish clergy.
Every member of each school community is made in the image and likeness of God and has a fundamental need of Christ. Pupils in the Chaplaincy Team are able to lead others to encounter Christ through prayer and silence as well as through action and relationships so that each one develops a real and living personal relationship with Jesus Christ and can hear his unique calling to each one of them.
Our Chaplaincy Team are trained and supported by Our school Chaplain, Headteacher and Religious Education Leader. They apply for the role annually and are chosen by the Year 6 RE prefects, who consider:
• Who would be a good role model for others?
• Who is kind, forgiving, caring and values others?
• Who is reliable and can work together with others?
• Who is interested in the Catholic/Christian faith and can share this with others?
The Chaplaincy Team support the faith development of the peers through activities such as:
• Setting up for liturgy
• Organising a Bible Club for younger pupils
• Leading a Prayer Group in their class
• Loo
king after others in the school community (such as those are struggling or having a difficult time)
• Organising a Chaplaincy Team board
• Contributing to the school newsletter
• Sharing ideas for improvement with parents/governors/SLT/pupils
• Being proactive through leading by example