Parent Involvement

Parents’ Association and Parent Forum

The Oratory Primary School has an active and supportive Parents’ Association; parents and teachers work together for the good of the children in order to organise events throughout the year. All parents and staff members are welcome to be involved whenever they wish. The headteacher meets termly with the class representatives to hold a Parent Forum and liaises with the chair to finalise procedures for events. The Parent representatives cascade the information to other parents. The Parents’ Association organise regular coffee mornings and uniform sales, and are instrumental in the successful running of events such as the children’s Christmas lunch, First Communion Breakfast, and International Week.

We value open communication and consultation at Oratory Primary School and the school’s Parent Forum has been introduced in order to make it easier for parents to raise questions and make suggestions about the school. Our parent forum aims to represent the views of all parents and to be
a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families. Each half term, the parent reps from each class meet with Mrs Steinart to raise questions, suggestions and concerns. Mrs Steinart may also consult parents on future plans for the school. The forum facilitates communication
between parents/carers and staff and governors, offer a parent’s perspective on current policy and practice and input into decision making and planning for future provision.

Download this document to find out more:

What is the Parent Forum?

23.10.24 Parent Forum Minutes

8.5.24 Parent Forum Minutes

6.3.24 Parent Forum Minutes

8.11.23 Parent Forum Minutes

27.9.23 Parent Forum Minutes

8.3.23 Parent Forum Minutes

16.11.22 Parent Forum Minutes

The Newman Fund

What is the Newman fund and why do we need it?

The Newman Fund is our school charity that allows parents to give a regular amount via banks, building societies or by cheque. This money will be used by the school to pay for ongoing expenses such as the hire of St Luke’s park for lunchtime play. In creating such a Fund, we are doing what many other schools in the state sector have been doing for a while now, including the London Oratory Secondary School. The small size of the school means that many of the costs are the same as a school much bigger (admin costs, premises costs, internet costs etc.), however, because funding depends on the number of children we have rather than overall costs of running a school, we find ourselves running a very tight budget. There are many advantages of having a small school with fewer pupils, but it is very expensive!

With central government funding increasingly under pressure, the school has already begun to face difficult spending decisions. We have had to significantly reduce staffing costs over the past 12 months. We now have three teaching assistants and one teacher fewer than we had this time last year, and are spending far less on curriculum resources than ever before. The Newman Fund will become an important source of income to enable the school to plan for providing the curricular opportunities and resources that our broad and balanced curriculum demands.

What should you do next?

Complete the voluntary donation form and return to the school, available here:

Donation and Gift Aid Form (to be returned to the school)

If paying by standing order, complete the standing order form and return to your bank, available here:

Bank or Building Society Form

We thank all our parents who are established contributors and our welcome new donations from those parents who have recently joined our school.